Throughout Australia, there has been an increasing awareness on the importance of occupational health and safety in workplaces. However, there remains a huge gap in education and training for potential interaction with employees and dangerous wildlife. Black Snake Productions was founded in 2006 by Michael Alexander in the hope of assisting in the conservation of Australia’s amazing wildlife.
Almost 18 years later Michael and Ebony Alexander and our dedicated team of zoologists and accredited wildlife educators continue to provide education and training to support wildlife conservation as well as safety in workplaces.
Based in Yarra Valley, Victoria, Black Snake Productions is home to over three hundred native birds, marsupials, Invertebrates and reptiles, including some of the world’s most toxic venomous snakes and spiders.
With over 25 years of experience in teaching wildlife education and safety, 20 million public liability insurance, fully qualified trainers and complete wildlife licensing, we are the safe, professional and qualified choice for your wildlife training and education needs.
Black Snake Productions can offer an in-depth, qualified and educational service on snake safety, wildlife education, consultancy and training to private and government corporations.

We can offer several different services including:
• Snake & spider safety seminars and training
• Snake bite first aid talks
• Toolbox talks
• Venomous snake displays
• Snake removal and consultancy
• Snake safety reports
• Snake handling courses
• Wildlife management
• Fauna spotter-catcher work
• Snake bite bandages and kits
• Snake safety PPE
Why choose us?
• We are fully insured with public liability and indemnity
• Fully licensed
• Accredited TAE trainer
• Accredited First aider and White card
• Accredited Wildlife spotter catcher, zookeeper and venomous snake handler
• Well over 20 years of handling and teaching venomous snakes
• Safe and professional
And most of all we put the time and effort into every single session to make sure this is the most educational and memorable training staff get, not death by PowerPoint!
We hope to bring Victoria’s leading Snake and Wildlife safety training to you!
Snake and spider safety seminars

Black Snake Productions snake and spider training programs reinforce safety and awareness with up-to-date knowledge and practical advice to ensure that all attendees leave with an understanding of how to calmly and effectively deal with a potential life-threatening situation if ever one arises.
Our educational and exciting session covers Snake behaviour, habitat, identification and distribution of local species, venom, envenomation, first aid training, PPE, understanding and awareness, legislation, workplace safety, snake reduction around the home and workplace and avoidance. It also briefly covers spider bites, first aid and awareness.
Each session includes an in-depth first aid demonstration and each participant is shown how to apply a smart bandage (specific snake bite bandage), how the first aid works and is passed on the successful application of the bandage individually.
This is all done using PowerPoint and physical teaching aids, printed resources such as booklets, identification posters and magnets that the participants retain after the course. All sessions include live snakes and spiders in a completely safe and approved snake pit to demonstrate behaviour and help to understand these venomous creatures.
All venomous snakes are safely contained during the session while attendees may interact with harmless reptiles such as lizards and pythons.
Each session runs for two hours with a maximum of 25 participants, each participant will receive a certificate of completion at the end of the session. The ideal group is between 10-20 people, The session includes both theory and practical aspects with all attendees leaving with a snake and spider safety manual as well as a better understanding of these potentially dangerous animals.
Our trainers have completed a comprehensive TAE course and they have a full understanding of WHS, legislation, venomous snake behaviour and envenomation as well as intimate knowledge of the snakes of Australia.
What’s included:
• Safety awareness and preventative measures
• Spider and snake envenomation
• Individual First aid training of snake and spider bites
• Emergency response procedures
• Local snake and spider identification and behaviour
• Identifying snake and spider habitat
• Making your workplace “snake safe”
• WHS (OH&S)
• Snake species
• Spider species
• The snake pit
• Overcoming fear of snakes and spiders- Hands-on!
Snake awareness talks

Black Snake Productions’ Venomous Snake Awareness presentation focuses on snake safety and first aid training. Through a combination of live venomous snake displays and the most up-to-date knowledge, we will ensure that all attendees leave with a practical understanding of how to calmly and effectively deal with potentially life-threatening situations should they arise.
This is all done using PowerPoint and physical teaching aids, printed resources such as booklets that the participants retain after the course.
Each session runs for an hour with a maximum of 25 participants, the ideal group is between 10-20 people
We cover first aid with the group demonstrating PIT (pressure and immobilisation technique) as well as showing the local species of venomous snake found in the region in safe and enclosed displays.
(This session is recommended for schools, community groups and information sessions, for employee safety training please refer to our Snake and Spider safety seminars.)
• Spider and snake envenomation
• Group first aid training for snake and spider bites
• Emergency response procedures
• Local snake and spider identification and behaviour
• WHS (OH&S)
• Snake species
• Snake displays

Wildlife Safety Training
Wildlife safety seminar
Understanding the potential risks associated with wildlife is an essential tool in the workplace. In an industry where the workplace is largely outdoors or there is frequent contact with wildlife and tracts of remnant habitats, there will be a need for suitable training. The wildlife safety and awareness course is a well-thought-out, ecological and ethically sound approach to handling the various issues that may become present in the work environment and to staff. Wildlife covered in this course includes feral and native mammals including marsupials, snakes, lizards, birds and venomous invertebrates This course is taught using a combination of theory, real-life situations, case studies and hands-on training techniques. Live venomous snakes are displayed in our government-approved snake pit while a select range of other animals are demonstrated to show potential risks. This program is an extended version of our snake safety talks and incorporates other potentially harmful indigenous wildlife. Employees attending this safety seminar will over four hours attain a better understanding of local dangerous wildlife species. This safety talk covers a range of topics including the following:
• Basic species identification and behaviour
• The risk they pose to individuals and the work environment
• Injuries, illness or envenomation they can cause
• First aid for Venomous animal bites and stings
• Legislation regarding introduced and native species
• Creating a safe work environment
• Wildlife care and basic rescue
• Action and Re-action (What to do & What NOT to do)
• Proactive and Emergency avoidance tactics and techniques
Snake Handling Courses

In collaboration with our partners SSSAFE (, Black Snake Productions is now offering Venomous Snake Removal and Handling courses Australia-wide. This accredited course is Australia’s safest snake-handling course in the industry and has been designed by one of the country’s leading experts in venomous snake handling, restraint and removal.
The program is designed to properly prepare you to perform safely and competently in the Snake Catcher role. The skills and knowledge of our instructor will assist you no matter what your level of experience.
Our key focus areas are:
– Safety first, capture, handling, restraint, housing and relocation of venomous snakes in ‘real life’ scenarios
– Risk management strategies, particularly how to recognise the Site Specific Risks posed by venomous snakes and anticipate problems before they arise.
This course is for Workplaces only.

Fauna spotter catcher and Wildlife management
Black Snake productions staff are accredited and qualified handlers of Australian wildlife, with a zoo of over 300 native animals from species such as birds of prey, kangaroos, fruit bats, venomous snakes, goannas and more we can safely and professionally remove and relocate animals from worksites and projects. With full PPE, White cards and years of experience working alongside industry we can provide a low risk management for fauna control on site.
We can provide reports and risk reporting for all jobs.
Snake and Reptile Removal
Black Snake Productions offers 24-hour snake and reptile removal and relocation. With over 20 years of experience in handling some of the world’s most venomous snakes, we can quickly attend your property day and night to locate and remove any dangerous or problematic reptile.
We service the Yarra Ranges and Eastern suburbs and pricing depends on location and time of attendance.
If you see a snake;
Call us A.S.A.P. on 0432143228 to describe the snake, its location and activities (we will be on our way as soon as you call)
Keep a constant eye on the snake until we arrive and try not to let it out of your sight while keeping a safe distance.
Wildlife Consultancy and Workplace Reports

Black Snake Productions can also offer full and comprehensive safety reports, wildlife consultancy, removal and relocation for workplaces, shires, schools and work sites.
Workplace assessments will help address issues such as snakes and dangerous animals within the workplace and removal of these animals, potential man-made habitats and solutions as well as a comprehensive report. Reports will underline the potential problems, danger from snakes and other wildlife species as well as protection of wildlife, recommendations and guidelines for future issues. We can provide JSA’s and Risk matrixes for the work site, safe working procedure reports as well as full training in dealing with the snakes or other problem wildlife on the work site.
Some areas we specialise in include:
• Venomous snake risk evaluations for workplaces
• Wildlife relocation projects
• Wildlife removal (spotter-catcher)
• Problem wildlife on worksites
• Wildlife capture and handling for scientific research
• Providing wildlife for photo shoots, documentaries and film
• Wildlife conservation talks and advice
• Venomous snake displays
• Toolbox talks
• Snake bite first aid training
Tiger Snake
The very common tiger snake gets its name from the dark bands around the body and the yellow or cream belly, some tigers may not have bands and can be a uniform colour. Tiger snakes are the 4th most venomous snake in the world. Tiger snakes have diamond-shaped heads and can grow up to 1.5 meters. They are very active snakes and can be aggressive. Found most commonly along the Yarra and other waterways, the tiger snake lives in most habitats and eats birds, rodents, reptiles, frogs, fish and other prey.
Red Belly Black Snake
A very easily identified snake, the red belly is always a jet glossy black with pink to red scales towards the belly (giving it the name). It can reach up to two (2) meters in length but is often smaller. Mostly found around Gippsland and towards Yea the red belly is not often found around the suburbs of Melbourne. Its habitat includes marshy swampy areas, near waterways and bushland. They feed mostly on frogs.
Eastern Brown Snake
The eastern brown is the 2nd most venomous snake in the world, extremely aggressive, fast and easily upset, the brown is the one snake to avoid at all costs. This snake should always be removed if seen. Found in drier areas such as west and north, kangaroo ground and other areas it is an active hunter preying on rodents and reptiles. Never approach the brown snake and keep pets away as it will defend itself.
Lowland Copperhead Snake
A pale brown, reddish brown, dark brown to black, these snakes can be distinguished from brown or black snakes by their pale face and light-coloured lips. These snakes prefer a cooler climate and can be found in colder regions of Melbourne, especially in forested areas, the Yarra Valley, the Dandenong etc. The copperhead is one of the most common snakes around Melbourne and feeds on frogs and lizards. Not as venomous as the brown or Tiger but still regarded as dangerous. At Black Snake Productions, we call the copperhead snake “The red belly of the Yarra Valley” as so many people mistake this snake for the red belly black snake which is not found in the Yarra Valley or Metropolitan region.
White-Lipped Snake
This species is identified by the white stripe running along the upper lip. They come in red, dark green and grey. They have a distinct beautiful salmon-coloured belly. This snake is diurnal and is normally found in thick grass forest covering and found mostly around the eastern parts of Melbourne. They feed mostly on small lizards and only grow to a maximum length of 50cm or usually smaller.
Small-Eyed Snake
The small-eyed snake is a black or grey coloured snake with a white belly. It has very small eyes and grows up to 45cm or less. This is a nocturnal species and is very shy. It resides in the areas of eastern Victoria from just west of Melbourne to Mallacoota in the far east, it is not found down towards Wilsons Prom or Philip Island. This species is regarded as dangerous.
Little Whip Snake
The little whip snake is found throughout Southwestern, Central and Northeastern Victoria, it is often found under a volcanic rock up in the northern suburbs of Melbourne and can be often confused with a juvenile brown snake. It is not considered dangerous, however, it is known that one man has died from a bite due to a unique reaction.
Blue Tongue Lizards
Blue tongue lizards are commonly found in backyards around Melbourne and Australia, they eat pests such as snails, slugs and other invertebrates while also feeding on dandelion flowers and other plant matter. They are one of the best pet reptiles for children to start of with and are almost always good to handle but it is illegal to remove them from the wild. Blue tongues are often killed by people thinking they are snakes, it is illegal to kill any wildlife in any situation.
Lace Monitor
Lace monitors, Lacey’s or tree monitors are found in the outer suburbs around bushland areas although they may be found in the inner suburbs as escaped pets or displaced reptiles. They feed on any small animal dead or alive that they can swallow as well as larger carrion and birds and reptile eggs. Lace monitors can grow quite large and if handling is attempted can cause serious injury.